smiling boy adopted from vietnam wearing backwards hat with arms around doodle dog

Adopt from Vietnam

Since 1973, Holt has helped to unite more than 500 children from Vietnam with permanent, loving families in the U.S.

On This Page:

Holt is one of just a few trusted U.S. adoption agencies approved to unite families with children from Vietnam.

Holt can also help families with relative adoptions from Vietnam.

Children in Vietnam Who Need Families

  • Children most in need of adoption are older children (5-10+) who may or may not have special needs other than age, and children of all ages with moderate to major developmental, physical or medical special needs. Learn more about Disabilities & Medical Conditions in Special Needs Adoption.
  • Most children are cared for in government-run or private Catholic child care centers.
  • Parental eligibility requirements for the Vietnam program are generally more open and can be flexible.
waiting child photo listing graphics

Meet the children waiting for a family

To preserve children’s confidentiality, you will be asked to log in or sign up before you access the waiting child photolisting.

Eligibility Requirements & Fees

couple sitting at home viewing virtual adoption financing webinar on their laptop

Need help funding your adoption?

Families adopting through Holt receive free, professional guidance and support from a one-on-one finance coach throughout their adoption process. Even if you’re just considering adoption, email us to set up your first consultation today!

Stories About Adoption from Vietnam

Vietnam Adoption FAQs

Vietnam children in orphanage waiting to be adopted

Help Protect International Adoption for Children

Your gift today will help a child be adopted, care for them while they wait, and even ensure that they receive critical post-adoption help for life!

Start Your Journey in Adoption

Whether you are considering adoption or are ready to apply to adopt, we have many free ways for you to explore our programs or get started.

Request Free Adoption Information

Click below to complete our inquiry form or email us at [email protected] to connect with one of our adoption specialists.

Adoption Info Meetings

Check out our free, virtual adoption information meetings open to families in all 50 states!

Apply Online

Ready to start your adoption journey? Click below to apply, or email [email protected] if you have questions!

Hear What Families Have to Say About Adopting Through Holt

Inquire About Vietnam Adoption

Holt is ready to answer your questions! It only takes a few minutes to submit your inquiry. Our adoption specialists will be in touch with you within one business day.

Holt International is a Hague-accredited agency with adoption programs in these locations: