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Children and families in India are in crisis due to a second wave of COVID-19. Jim De, the director of Shishu Sangopan Griha (SSG) — Holt’s partner organization in New Delhi — filmed this video to share more about what’s happening and how to help. 

Hello everyone, this is Jim De, from New Delhi, India. And as I come to you, from this city of 28 million people, I want to share with you that we are going through a kind of an apocalypse environment which the world has never seen, and we are reeling under in this country. Especially in my city.

We know that people are dying. We know that people are suffering. And among us, we too are very worried and very insecure, uncertain about the future. Yet, we have to persevere. We have to try hard. We have to support one another, especially at this time of need when people are suffering when people are without food, when people are without services. And very, very importantly, medical emergency needs. There is a myriad of needs that are coming up as we deal with them, every moment.

“We know that people are dying. We know that people are suffering … Yet we have to persevere.”

Jim De, director of SSG in New Delhi

Just now, I got a story of a family, where a child of 14 years has lost both of his parents to COVID. And we have to immediately find a solution, of where this child can be taken care of. This is just one of the many, many thousands of news that we look upon around us. I know that we are all in the world sharing this problem, sharing this challenge, and we pray that the Lord will take us through this and bring us through faithfully.

Yet, at this time, we have to stand together. We need your support. We need your understanding. And we need your prayers as we move through this unexpected, most gigantic period of crisis that we have ever seen in our lives.

Thank you for your support and thank you for your prayers.

Please give now to provide emergency food, medicine and other urgent supplies to children and families in India. 

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