Hi, I'm Ngan
I'm a girl, 3 years old and live in Vietnam.
Kim Ngan was born on Jan 4, 2022, in a poor family in Dong Anh district. The family has difficult circumstances. She was born to a single mom. The child is living with her mother and her maternal grandparents. His mother suffers from severe moving disability; she can walk but needs to move in a wheelchair and is receiving a government subsidy of about 660.000vnd ($25)/ month. Despite her disability and difficult family situation, the young mother is very determined, with the desire to have a child, the mother was supported by her grandparents with the cost of injecting sperm into the uterus and as a result, the child was born. The maternal grandmother and the grandfather are old and do not have a stable job. The family is poor with a low income that is not enough to provide the child with proper nutrition and care.