Hi, I'm Nhi
I'm a girl, 14 years old and live in Vietnam.
Nhi was born on Aug 29th, 2010 she is the only child in a poor family with difficult circumstance in rural area. Her parents divorced since 2020. Now, she is living with his grandmother, father and his older brother. His mother left the hometown for debt evasion and her whereabouts are unknown. The father had to sell their house to pay the debt and now they have to live temporary in the house of Nhi’s uncle.
The father is the only laborer in the family but he does not have a stable job. He earns by riding motorbike taxi. With the tight income, the family finds struggle for supporting daily expenses for the family and paying school fees for the child. At the time of referral, Nhi is healthy. She does not contract any diseases.
Knowing the difficulty of the family, local authority has introduced to Holt in order to help Nhi continue her education. Nhi received a grant from Holt-Vietnam Educational Support Program in September 2020.