Hi, I'm Vinh
I'm a boy, 13 years old and live in Vietnam.
Hoang Van Vinh was born on April 30th, 2011 is living with her live with their paternal grandparents and mother after their father died in an automotive accident in 2018. Currently, the family does not have their own land and field, so Vinh and his mother have to live in a rented house.The mother is the only income earner in the house but she does not have a stable job. She earns living by selling tea and waters in the street and earn low income under $100/ month.
At time of referrer, Vinh has normal health condition.
With this low income, the mother find struggle to send the child to school and meet the basic needs, supplies to school for the child. After being referred to Holt, Hoang Van Vinh would receive a grant from Holt-Vietnam Educational Support Program in September 2020.