Hi, I'm Aliscious
I'm a girl, 4 years old and live in Uganda.
The mother narrates, the father left the family during Covid period and up to now, he cannot be located. He switched of his phone since 2020. Aliscious stays with her single mother in the village of Wakivule. The mother is the bread winner in the family with 5 children. Aliscious is a twin to Babirye and the fourth child in the family. Most of the time, she is under the mercy of the neighbour for survival. She is a peasant farmer and cultivates little for home consumption. She does casual labour for survival in people’s gardens. As such, they have no clear source of income to support Aliscious and her siblings especially in the areas of education, health, beddings, nutrition, clothing and other home basics like soap, sugar and others. She cannot afford to support the children in the family. She has no enough land of her own instead lives on a small plot of land, narrates the mother.