Hi, I'm Catherine
I'm a girl, 5 years old and live in Uganda.
Catherine is stays with her mother in Kyampogola village. The father abandoned the family when Catherine was just one year old and cannot be located. The mother shifted from Nakigoza to Kyampogola where she is now a resident up to date. There are four children in the family and Catherine is the third child. She has been with her Mother and other three siblings since then. No support of any kind from the father’s origin to child and mother is also incapable of raising funds to support the family. She had never been to school due to school fees challenge. The mother is a peasant farmer who is depending on cultivation of food crops for home consumption and earning less compared to the basic needs of children. Catherine loves schooling but at times, she is irregular due to limited school requirements like scholastic materials, school fees basic needs among others.