Hi, I'm Boniface
I'm a boy, 14 years old and live in Uganda.
Boniface is under the care of his parents, who live in Dambwe village. There are 8 children in this family, six boys and two girls. parents have no clear source of income, as they depend on peasant farming. Most of the farm yields are consumed by the family leaving little surplus for sale. Children lack most the basic needs in life, because their parents are not in position to meet all the family needs. At school, he is irregular due to lack of education requirements.
He is in good health, and he has not been hospitalized since this year began.
Boniface is a twin with Kato Gerald. They were the second twins born by the mother. He is social and friendly and royal to the family members. While at school, he misses most of the requirements and when he is asked to go for them at home, he spends many days without reporting back. This has affected his performance, hence a need to support him.