Hi, I'm Boonnampa
I'm a girl, less than 1 year old and live in Thailand.
Boonnampa was admitted to the hospital at 6 days old due to a brain injury from a motorcycle accident that occurred 2 days earlier. The Child Protection Officer discovered that her parents were addicted to heroin, and unable to provide adequate care. She then was referred to HSF Foster Care program to ensure nurturing and protection. The child's mother used drugs during pregnancy and did not receive any antenatal care. She was born prematurely at 34 weeks gestation with a birth weight of 1,950 gm, length of 45 cm. She experienced jaundice and received phototherapy for a day. She was discharged from the hospital 3 days after birth and was cared for by her mother but was not breastfed.While she is in the foster family, efforts are ongoing by the front-line social worker to support the birth parents in overcoming their heroin dependence and to help the birth family develop the necessary capacity for child-rearing, with the ultimate goal of reuniting the child with her birth family.