Hi, I'm Thanika
I'm a girl, 2 years old and live in Thailand.
The child’s mother has contacted HSF to request powdered milk support, according to an HSF previous client’s advice. The mother does not have breast milk. The child’s father does not have an unstable income and there are several family members that need to be taken care of.The mother is 18 years old and is originally from Nakorn Ratchasima. The father is 17 years old. He is a Bangkoknese. The mother went to work in Bangkok and met the father through social media. They had a relationship until the mother got pregnant. After giving birth, the mother did not have enough breast milk for the baby’s proper nourishment and growth. The father is a seller of kratom juice but his income is uncertain. The family consists of several members whom he needs to responsible for, making his income is insufficient to meet the family’s expenses.