Hi, I'm Namuundari
I'm a girl, 15 years old and live in Mongolia.
Tarialan soum of Khuvsgul province is located 600 km away from Ulaanbaatar city and 200 km away from the center of Khuvsgul aimag. Most households don’t have sustainable income source and majority of them have seasonal work based on environment and livestock farming. The father work for rich herders tending their livestock. The family do not have sustainable monthly income.
Namuundari was healthy during admitting in program.
Namuundari lives in dormitory with her sibling. Her parents live with her other 2 siblings in countryside and tend livestock. The mother is taking care of her children. The children are under aged. Only income they have is a child welfare allowance which barely provide food and other necessities. The family live in a poorly maintained Ger dwelling.