Hi, I'm Purevmaa
I'm a girl, 6 years old and live in Mongolia.
Tarialan soum of Khuvsgul province is located 600 km away from Ulaanbaatar city. Even though Tarialan is the largest soum that has advance development of agriculture, there are number of social issues in relation with its large number of population. Most households don’t have sustainable income source and majority of them have seasonal work based on environment and livestock farming. The family lives in the countryside. The parents are unemployed and have few livestock.
Purevmaa was healthy during admitting into the program.
The family's living condition is below the poverty level. This family has 5 members. Monthly income is barely provide food and other necessities. They only use flour and meat for their daily food. The family lives in a poorly maintained Ger dwelling. The mother is housewife and takes care of her children.