Hi, I'm Bayarbat
I'm a boy, 10 years old and live in Mongolia.
The family is large, consists of parents and 5 children of school and kindergarten age. The father was unable to work three years ago due to illness. The mother stays home to take care of the baby and other children. Because both parents are unemployed, their household income, such as food, clothing, and other necessities, is nowhere near enough. Family is not covered by any government services other than child allowance. The Labor and Social Welfare Service's Department of the district proposed to us to support the family. We met with both parents, visited their home, made an observation of the living condition. Upon evaluating the family's poverty and need, we enrolled family's 1 child Bayarbat in our Family Strengthening program.
Bayarbat was healthy and no illnesses were reported upon our admission.
The family lives in a ger area on the outskirts of the city. All 5 children are of school and kindergarten age. Both parents are currently unable to work. They have no income other than child allowance from the government.