Hi, I'm Bilegjin
I'm a girl, 8 years old and live in Mongolia.
The family live in the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar city. This family has one child, mother is single and their living condition is poor. The mother has no higher education, without a job she approached Social Service of Department of Songino Khairkhan for help. The department asked us to help this family and admitted the child Bilegjin in the program.
Bilegjin was healthy during admitting in program.
Bilegjin's parents are divorced, there is no child support from the father as he is also unemployed. The only income is a child welfare allowance from the government. The mother faces many challenges, not only to feed her child but also her education, and to keep house warm during winter. Many times they had to live without food, and without coal for fire.