Hi, I'm Manlaibaatar
I'm a boy, 11 years old and live in Mongolia.
The mother is single, has three children, and no job. She approached Social Services department of district for help and the department sent us her request for support. We enrolled the child Manlaibaatar in the program.
Manlaibaatar was healthy upon admission.
The family live in a Ger district, the Ger is poorly maintained, there are five members in the family. Father left the family when the mother was four month pregnant. There is no child support from the father. Grandmother lives with the family. The mother finds temporary jobs to support her family. She said that in winter it is a challenge to survive, as the coal price is high and children often get sick from severe cold and heavy pollution in the Ger district. The only income is the government allowance of $7 per child and the grandmother's pension.