Hi, I'm Sokneak
I'm a boy, 11 years old and live in Cambodia.
Sokneak was selected into our program because his family is very poor. He has not sufficient food to eat and lacks in proper education.
His mental and physical health was fine upon enrollment. He does not have any parts of his physical disability.
Sokneak lives with his grandmother. He has 4 siblings. His mother is a window and is the breadwinner to support the family. This is because his father just died because of heart disease, 4 months ago. His mother and older brother are working in Kompong Som province as construction workers. So her mother has left her 3 siblings to stay with the grandmother, and she always sends money, USD 60, to support her children’s education and daily meal. The amount of money sent is not sufficient to support the children. Having seen the difficulties, we decided to enroll Sokneak into our sponsorship program.