Hi, I'm Ian
I'm a boy, 4 years old and live in Uganda.
Ian stays with his father in the village of Wakivule with her siblings. The father separated with the wife and the woman left the children with the husband. The father is a peasant farmer who was working as a farm manager but later laid off by the boss. He used to earn some little income from the farm that would sustain them as a family but when the job went, even the mother divorced. So, he is struggle at home with the children to provide the basic requirements in areas of education, health, nutrition, beddings, clothing and others. He now does casual labour to earn a living though not as such given that, no body at home to live the children with. No other source of income for the family. The children love school but they cannot attend regularly due to school fees and other school requirements. They are sent home on a daily basis yet the grands cannot afford.