Hi, I'm Yoweri
I'm a boy, 5 years old and live in Uganda.
Yoweri is the 5th child in the family among the five children according to the mother. He stays with both parents in the village of Kawe at home. The parents of Yoweri say, life has not been easy for them to raise funds for children to study. They are incapable of providing basic necessities like beddings, clothing, food, medical care and education. They have tried to do casual labour in people’s gardens to survive at home but most of the time casual jobs are nowhere to get. Life is full of toiling and struggles to make ends meet. Therefore, it’s hard for the parents to support their children. The caregivers are peasant farmers who are entirely depend on cultivation of food crops for home consumption. Any support from Holt Uganda will bring a smile to the children and the family at large through the education of the children.