Hi, I'm Passakorn
I'm a boy, 12 years old and live in Thailand.
Passakorn is under the care of his grandmother and grandfather due to his parents' separation. His father has a new family and does not take responsibility for him. When Passakokrn was first referred to us at 9 years old, he rarely communicated with his grandparents, preferred staying alone in his room, had no close friends, didn’t want to go to school, and didn’t listen to his grandmother. He was also quite attached to his phone. The grandfather is the main breadwinner, working in mangosteen and durian farming, earning about 50,000 THB/year, with the grandmother helping a bit. The grandmother also earns around 100 THB/day selling vegetables at a local market. The family's income is insufficient for their expenses, so the school referred the family for educational assistance for the child.