Hi, I'm Buntha
I'm a girl, 14 years old and live in Cambodia.
Buntha was selected through the recommendation from her teacher school manager, sub-school manager, and village chief. She belongs to a very poor family in the community. She has not sufficient food to eat and lacks of proper education.
She has not had any mental and physical health upon enrollment.
Buntha lives with her mother, grandmother, and two siblings. Her grandmother is 75 years old. This family lives in a small house (4x5 meters) which is made of zinc wall with zinc roof rusty. Her father is hired to drive car at Kompong Som province, and earns USD 150 a month. He often sends some money to support the family. Her mother does not have a job; she stays at home and takes care of children. She also carries with stomachache, so she needs to take medicine every day. The family lives in a difficult situation, lacking of foods, rice and money to support their children. Therefore, Buntha needs sponsorship in order to support her education.