Hi, I'm Hoang Bao Khang
I'm a boy, 5 years old and live in Vietnam.
Hoang Bao was born in 2019 and currently lives with his older brother, mother and grandparents. His mother divorced his father. Currently, she is an industrial seamstress, who works full-time at home. She specializes in sewing the ribs of men's trousers. She receives processed goods from garment factories in the commune and just needs to sew the seams of the pants to complete the job. However, she doesn't have a sewing machine, so her sister is lending her an old sewing machine. Despite her diligent efforts, she cannot cover the family's living expenses and her children's school fees. Fortunately, the local authority referred the family to the Family Preservation/Rehabilitation project, which is sponsored by Holt-Vietnam. The project provided financial assistance to the family to purchase a single needle lockstitch sewing machine, which helped increase the number of orders and their income.