Hi, I'm Minghouy
I'm a boy, 13 years old and live in Cambodia.
Minghouy was selected through the recommendation from his school director. He belongs to a very poor family in the community. He has not sufficient food to eat and lacks in proper education.
He looked physically and mentally fine at the time of enrollment into the program. He learns better about taking care of himself.
Minghouy lives with his mother, a grandmother, and an older sister. His parents got divorced. His mother is the breadwinner to support the family; she is a garment worker in Phnom Penh, and earn 200 USD per month plus over time; she usually visits home and sends money to support her children. His grandmother stays at home to take care of grandchildren. His sister is a student in 6th grade. The family lives in a difficult situation, lacking of foods, rice and money to support their children. Therefore, Minghouy needs sponsorship in order to support his education.