Hi, I'm Chakriya
I'm a girl, 12 years old and live in Cambodia.
Chakriya was selected through the recommendation from her village chief. She belongs to a very poor family in the community. She has not sufficient food to eat and lacks in proper education.
She looked physically and mentally fine at the time of enrollment into the program. Her ears could hear well and her eyes could see clearly.
Chakriya lives with her grandparents, two uncle, and an aunt. Her patents got divorced and left her to live with grandparents, and they never support her anything. Her father is the breadwinner of the family; he is a wedding traditional Khmer singer and he can earn income only in rainy season which is the season of the wedding. Besides this, her grandparents grows rice a little bit, and the rice product cannot supply the family a whole year. The family lives in a difficult situation, lacking of foods, rice and money to support their children. Therefore, Chakriya needs sponsorship in order to support her education.