Hi, I'm Lida
I'm a girl, 14 years old and live in Cambodia.
Lida was selected through the recommendation from her teacher and school manager. She belongs to a very poor family in the community. She has not sufficient food to eat and lacks in proper education.
Her mental and physical health problem was fine upon enrollment. Her ears could hear well and her eyes could see clearly. She learns a little better about taking care of herself.
Lida lives with her parents and a sibling. This family lives in a small house (5x6 m) made of wood wall with zinc roof. Her parents are farmers, They grows rice and raises some chicken and a cow. Besides this, her mother is hired to clean duck but it is not regular. Her father does the construction in his village. The family lives in a difficult situation, lacking of foods, rice and money to support their children. Therefore, Lida needs sponsorship in order to support her education.