In a miraculous turn of events, 7-year-old Zixuan became the recipient of an emergency, lifesaving heart surgery, funded by Holt donors.

Si Qi was sick. She was born with a heart condition that was getting progressively worse. Last year, doctors said she urgently needed surgery.

But her family couldn’t afford it.

Si Qi’s doctors said she needed an urgent surgery, and Holt donors responded generously to help.

Other family members had the same heart condition as Si Qi, including her sister. Their family had already paid for her sister’s heart surgery, and they didn’t have any money left to help Si Qi. They were devastated.

We shared this need with Holt donors last February, and were amazed at how the Holt community came together to help this little girl. Generous donors raised more than enough money to provide Si Qi’s urgently needed surgery!

We stayed in contact with our staff in China throughout the following months. Si Qi had multiple appointments with her cardiologist, and surgery was tentatively scheduled for the summer. 

But then something amazing happened. Something unexpected and against-all-odds… She got better.

Si Qi’s Heart Update

This is the report we received from Si Qi’s family, and Holt China:

“We have received good news. After completing her exams, Si Qi accompanied her mother to the best local hospital for consultation regarding surgery. Her doctor informed her that although previous advice suggested immediate surgery, her condition has stabilized considerably, making surgery no longer necessary, but optional… After discussing this with her family, they decided against surgery and expressed immense gratitude for the medical funds we raised for Si Qi, as well as for the kindness of those who contributed. They also expressed a desire to give the funds to those in greater need.”

Si Qi didn’t need the surgery anymore! The funds could be used to help another child in “greater need.” Right away, our team at Holt China knew who this child should be — a little boy in their family strengthening program who also needed surgery. But they never could have anticipated the turn of events that would make it possible to help him.

“We hope to redirect the funds originally raised for Si Qi to support Zixuan…. His condition is much more severe…”

Another Child Who Needed Help

Zixuan is a little boy who also suffered from congenital heart disease. His weak heart had significantly impacted his development. At 7 years old, he was very frail and only weighed 29 pounds. His condition was so severe that they wanted to do surgery in Beijing the very next week.

Zixuan had been waiting his whole life for heart surgery.

Because Holt donors had already generously raised the funds for a heart surgery, we were able to respond with an immediate “Yes!” for Zixuan to receive the surgery that would save his life.

Zixuan and His Family

At the end of 2023, Zixuan and his family were referred to Holt China’s family strengthening program. They lived in dire poverty and needed help meeting basic needs.

Zixuan’s parents, Jun and Bai, got married due to unique circumstances. Jun, in his 40s, had never married due to the impoverished circumstances he lived in. He lived in a house that was thatched and dilapidated. He worked hard, but struggled to meet his own daily needs. His sister introduced him to Bai, who was a bit younger but single due to having physical and learning impairments. After meeting, they decided to get married so that they could live together and support each other.

“But despite these challenges,” Holt China reports, “their marriage is characterized by profound love and mutual support.”

In 2017, they welcomed their first child, Zixuan. They were overjoyed. But after he was born, they learned that he had a heart defect. Doctors recommended immediate surgery, but they couldn’t afford it.

Zixuan, pictured here with his mom and younger brother, needed a heart surgery. But his family lived in poverty and couldn’t afford the procedure.

In the years that followed, Jun worked hard farming their land and working odd jobs to support their family. They had another son. They continually struggled to meet their family’s basic needs. Neighbors often came to their aid — eventually referring them to Holt China for help.

Help Through Family Strengthening Program

When social workers from Holt China first came to the family’s home, they learned that Zixuan was small for his age, and also behind in his language development. His father shared that Zixuan had developmental delays. Later in the assessment, his father also shared about Zixuan’s heart condition, which had remained untreated.

“We quickly educated the father on the severity of congenital heart disease, explaining how it could potentially relate to Zixuan’s developmental delays and speech issues,” the team at Holt China shares. “Hearing this, the father became extremely anxious.”

There was still no way he could afford heart surgery for his son. But Zixuan’s symptoms were becoming increasingly worse…

A Much-Needed Heart Surgery

Zixuan couldn’t be active and play like other children. After running or jumping, he was so tired that he had to sit and rest. His hands and feet were always cold due to poor circulation.

As soon as the funds were transferred, Zixuan and his father rushed to Beijing for his surgery.

“Zixuan should be at an age of innocence and carefree joy, but his life has been made particularly difficult due to congenital heart disease,” the team at Holt China says. “The extreme poverty of the family has prevented him from receiving effective medical treatment.”

But through the years, Holt China has seen how the generosity of Holt donors makes a difference in the lives of children in China — including for many children who needed emergency heart surgeries. Holt China moved forward, determined to find a way to help him. They scheduled an appointment for Zixuan to see a cardiologist.

Zixuan and his father traveled to the hospital in Beijing, where Zixuan had a heart ultrasound. The doctors diagnosed him with several heart conditions, and strongly recommended immediate surgery. Otherwise, Zixuan’s growth and development would continue to be affected, and even get worse… Eventually, the condition would threaten his life.  

But surgery to repair his heart would cost $11,000 USD. An absolutely insurmountable amount to Zixuan’s family.

Holt Donors Provided Heart Surgery

Zixuan’s father never left his side during their weeks in the hospital.

But this is where the generosity of Holt donors came in. And the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

It was at this same time that Si Qi had her follow-up heart appointment, where they learned she would not need surgery. This miraculous update in her life led to a miracle in Zixuan’s. The funds for Si Qi’s heart surgery were transferred to Zixuan.

Just one week after his first appointment, Zixuan checked into the hospital again — this time for the heart surgery that would change his life forever. 

A Successful Heart Surgery

Zixuan bravely underwent his heart surgery, and it was a success! He stayed in the hospital for nine days after his surgery, with his dad never leaving his side.

Almost immediately, there were positive effects of the procedure. In his nine-day hospital stay, he grew taller and gained one kilogram!

When it was time to be discharged, Holt China bought Zixuan and his dad their train tickets home — where he was joyously reunited with his mother and younger brother.

Zixuan will continue on a medication for several months, and continues to be closely monitored as he recovers. His doctors say he will continue progressing to make a full recovery. 

Zixuan’s entire family is forever grateful for the generosity of Holt donors, and the incredible way they were able to save Zixuan’s life.

“Without Holt’s help, our family would never be able to afford such an expensive surgery that eventually saved my loved son,” Jun says. “The success of this surgery was not only due to Holt’s financial support, but also to the help from many kind-hearted people.”

Help Children & Families in China

In China, many children are living in poverty and don’t have the resources needed to support their education. And children living in orphanages with special needs don’t have the specialized medical care they need. Your gift will help a child or family in China in greatest need.

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