Meet brothers Parker and Andrew! These siblings need an adoptive family and hope to be adopted together. They share a strong bond and consider each other best friends.
Parker and Andrew need a family! Parker, 8, is friendly and loves showing off new things he’s learned. He’s a studious boy who enjoys writing and focuses well at school. Parker likes to play and participate in activities at the orphanage and school.
Andrew, 9, is cooperative, helpful and friendly. When spending time with friends, he enjoys playing tag, rock-paper-scissors, soccer and a Thai rope game. He’s a good student who loves writing, drawing and attending school.
An ideal adoptive family for these brothers is loving, kind and familiar with TBRI techniques. With educational support, Parker and Andrew’s new family can help them thrive.
If you think you or someone you know could be the right family for Parker and Andrew, please email our waiting child team at [email protected]! We cannot share photos of them publicly due to country restrictions on privacy. However, we do have more photos and videos available to share with prospective families.

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