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Looking for parenting information? You’ve come to the right place! 

We’ve compiled a detailed list of parenting websites, books and other resources, organized by topic and recommended by Holt’s interdisciplinary team of health, nutrition and parenting experts. If you’re an adoptive parent and you need more personalized support, Holt also offers a Post Adoption Coaching & Education (PACE) program to help parents address challenges they encounter as their children grow up.

mother playing guitar while daughter dances on the bed

Positive Parenting

Growth and Development

smiling girl with down syndrome adopted from China surrounded by smiling adoptive parents and two brothers

Parenting Children With Disabilities

father feeding his son a piece of bread

Successful Feeding

group of girls playing tug of war at adoptee summer camp

Raising Resilient Kids

Adoptive Parents: If you’re looking for Post Adoption Reports and information on documentation, please visit our Post Adoption Report Center.

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