Recent program updates from Holt-supported family strengthening and orphan care programs around the world!
In China, Holt-trained child welfare coordinators (CWCs or “Barefoot Social Workers”) identify children in remote villages in need of support. Pictured below, children in the CWC program in the city of Meheikou enjoy summer crafts at the children’s activity center.

Elsewhere in China, Holt staff have now resumed in-person family visits and family strengthening assessments in the city of Xiajin.

In program updates from Colombia, caregivers in our local partner Bambi’s PROMEFA (family strengthening) program participated in workshops to learn emotional regulation strategies to help vulnerable children do the same. A child development workshop also empowered parents with knowledge and tools to support their child based on their developmental stage.

Holt Ethiopia organized a workshop with local government offices on alternative childcare services, such as foster care. The workshop focused on major systemic, cultural and capacity challenges within alternative childcare services. The government’s women and children’s affairs department presented assessment findings and existing services for identifying, caring for and placing abandoned children.
Holt Haiti is holding summer camps at a school and transit center in the southern city of Bigarousse! Any children from the communities these centers serve are welcome, and activities include sports and martial arts, dance, environmental education, and arts and crafts.
To prepare for the new year, our local partners distributed education materials to children in Holt sponsor and donor-supported programs.

A Holt donor team is currently in Mongolia to visit the new activity center for disabled children that they generously funded. The renovation work on the building has been completed. It was showcased by the provincial government during the 100th anniversary celebration of the founding of the province! Donors have pledged further support for the outfitting and operation of the new facility.
Holt Sahathai Foundation (HSF) celebrated the 25th anniversary of its Nakhon office in southern Thailand on July 6! Participants in the celebration included 102 members of local child and family welfare organizations, 48 from government and non-government offices, 12 business units and 44 volunteers and clients. While celebrating the achievements of HSF, this event also helped maintain our long-time partner organization’s momentum and tight relationship with other local partners.

Holt Uganda spearheaded the celebration of World Breastfeeding Week! All pregnant, lactating and breastfeeding mothers were educated about the importance of breastfeeding. Our nutrition team organized a summit event at the Luwero Hospital that will attract officials from the Ministry of Health and the district.

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At Holt International, we help children thrive in the love and stability of a family. But our services extend far beyond the adoption work we are known for.