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Lifesaving Medicine for Huong

Huong is happy and healthy thanks to the medicine provided by Holt donors.

Huong’s parents couldn’t afford the medicine she needed. But then generous Holt donors provided it!

After years of stomach pain, swelling, fevers, and yellow-tinted eyes, doctors finally knew what was wrong with Huong. She had a rare genetic disease.

Now that they knew what was wrong, Huong could begin to feel better. Her life could be saved! Except, her parents couldn’t afford the treatment…

Huong needed daily medication and monthly doctor’s appointments. It would cost more than half of the family’s monthly salary. But then a generous donor like you stepped up to cover Huong’s medical expenses!

Now, Huong diligently takes her medicine three times each day, and travels with her mom each month to the hospital to meet with her doctors. The cost of the medication, the doctor’s visit and even the travel expenses to the hospital are completely covered! 

Huong doesn’t have to stay home from school anymore, and she’s thriving!

“I’m so grateful we know the disease and could treat it before it was too late to save Huong’s life,” says her mom. 

“I’m so grateful we know the disease and could treat it before it was too late to save Huong’s life.”


Huong is feeling so much better now, and finally has the energy to study and go to school. She dreams of being a doctor someday – so she can, in turn, give health care to others who need help. 

Thank you for helping children get well, and believing in all that they can be! 

A little boy receiving deworming medication in Uganda

Treat a Child for Parasites

Just one tiny tablet can instantly cure a child of intestinal parasites — taking away their stomach pain and allowing them to grow healthy and strong!

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