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Your gift of vocational training empowered Kamala to care for her grandchildren.

Kamala is raising her three grandchildren in a coastal fishing village in southern Thailand. Almost everyone here struggles with poverty, including Kamala.

When we met Kamala, she was working as a cook and barely made enough to feed and care for her grandchildren. But she is smart and talented and had so much potential to be able to independently provide for them! She just needed some help to get started…

When Holt donors gave her the Gift of Hope of vocational training, it was exactly the help she needed!

A package of the pickled fish a mom in Thailand turned into a business with the help of Holt's partner.

Kamala was already skilled at pickling fish. Then with vocational training, she had the knowledge and tools she needed to package the fish, print video to market and sell her product online!

Today, Kamala’s business is thriving. And she’s even expanded it — now selling delicious coconut jelly in addition to pickled fish. (Which her grandchildren love, too!)

A boy in sponsorship in Thailand eats coconut jelly and smiles

With the gift of vocational training, Kamala is now empowered to provide for her grandchildren — she earns enough to give them enough food, clothing, school supplies and more! Kamala is a role model to her whole community, and she is overcoming the cycle of poverty for herself and her grandchildren!

Young girl in Uganda with her cow

Give a Life-Changing Gift of Hope

Gifts of Hope come in all shapes and sizes and have the power to change a child and family’s life.

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