Holt Donors Visit Children and Families in Mongolia

On the 2024 Holt Mongolia Vision Trip, a team of donors, sponsors and other Holt supporters traveled the country to experience the life-changing programs they support there for children and families in need.

To begin the week, our vision trip team of Holt staff and supporters visited Holt-supported daycare and early education centers where we met children with special needs who are receiving state-of-the-art therapies and resources to help them reach their fullest potential. We delivered food to families living in and near Ulaanbaatar’s largest garbage dump — where nearby, children receive education and hope of overcoming poverty through the donor-supported Red Stone School. We stopped by child care facilities and tried the nutritious food the kids in our programs eat every day — meals expertly put together by Holt’s nutrition team.

Everywhere we stopped, children greeted us with traditional Mongolian dancing and music performances, showing their appreciation of the programs they’re a part of. We visited families that have received Gifts of Hope and were so encouraged to see how they are thriving now, including families in the countryside who recently received new livestock. We concluded the trip by visiting our brand new, donor-supported special needs facility, Joyful Palace, where children with special needs and their families are benefitting from the life-changing support they’d never otherwise receive.

Here is a small glimpse, in photos, into our week in Mongolia:

What an incredible week! Thank you for supporting Holt’s work in Mongolia and for helping the children and families in our programs to thrive!

Mongolian boy smiles for camera

Learn more about Holt’s work in Mongolia!

See how sponsors and donors create a brighter, more hopeful future for children and families in Mongolia!

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woman carrying for children during lunch in Mongolian orphanage

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