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Birth Parents

This section will give you tools and resources for how to talk with your child about their birth parents and their history.

The Important Role of Birth Parents

Whether your child’s birth parents are known or unknown, they will always be a part of your child’s life in one way or another. Adoptees do think of their birth parents, and not having the information regarding the circumstances of their relinquishment or abandonment is difficult for most adoptees. It leaves them with many questions. The more an adoptive parent knows about their child’s birth parents and can share with them, the better. Depending on the country and whether or not your child was reported “abandoned,” it can be difficult or impossible to find this information. But this doesn’t mean your child won’t have questions. This section will help you think about the role your child’s birth parents will have in their life and in yours, as well as give you tools and resources for how to talk with your child about their birth parents and their history.

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