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Adoption in Birth Country  

Around the world, Holt helps children join families in their country of birth.

Helping Children Thrive in the Country and Culture of Their Birth

At Holt, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to grow up in the country and culture of their birth. Before seeking a family for a child through international adoption, we work alongside local partners to help find children an adoptive family in their birth country. In many countries, Holt social workers support our partners and provide the resources needed to complete homestudies and ensure a smooth, ethical domestic adoption process for both the child and their adoptive family. Through advocacy efforts, more countries are becoming open to domestic adoption. And today, more and more children are able to join permanent, loving families in the countries where Holt works around the world. 

boy standing in front of his family

Help a Child in Greatest Need

Give emergency help to a child who is hungry, sick or living in dangerous conditions. Your gift will provide the critical food, medical care, safety and more they need when they need it the most.

Children deserve the chance to grow up in their birth culture

Around the world, Holt has long advocated for domestic adoption. In some countries, we have helped build local social work capacity to ensure a smooth, ethical domestic adoption process.

Intercountry adoptions have declined steadily over the past decade

With fewer international adoptions, domestic adoption has become increasingly important as a permanency option for children. In many countries, Holt sponsors and donors help support efforts to expand this practice.

Adoption is inherently traumatic for a child

Internationally adopted children lose not only their birth family, but also their birth country and culture. While every adopted child experiences grief and loss, in-country adoption can minimize their trauma.

Our Approach Is Driven By the Needs in Each Location

Everywhere Holt works, we respond to local needs to help care for children through our model of service. In some countries, we support existing systems of in-country adoption. In others, we have drawn upon our more than 65 years of experience to help build a system of adoption from the ground up. Read about a few of our ongoing efforts.

A Formal, Ethical Process

Working alongside the local government, Holt’s team in Cambodia helped develop a formal, ethical system of in-country adoption — uniting the first child with her family in March 2021.

busy street lined with trees

More Than 50 Years of Advocacy

Holt began advocating for local adoption in the Philippines in the 1970s. Today, more Filipino children join families in their birth country every year than they join families in the U.S. 

Supporting Local Efforts

In China, Holt works with local governments to perform homestudies for families adopting domestically and provides orphanage trainings on how to do homestudy assessments.

Stories About Holt’s Domestic Adoption Programs

As a child sponsor, you help provide everything from food and education to the help a child needs to stay with their birth family — or join a family via adoption.

Explore how Holt sponsors and donors care for children around the world!

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