Nine years ago, we shared a story about Melia, a little girl with major congenital heart disease who joined her family after they saw her on Holt’s waiting child photolisting. Read an update on Melia today from her parents, Ryan and Katie!

Melia is now 10 years old. She had three surgeries to strengthen her heart when she first arrived home, but has not seen the operating room since! She gets annual checkups with her cardiologist, but has not needed any further interventions or medications.

She was even named the heart princess at the annual American Heart Association gala several years ago. She got to have the first dance with her cardiologist that night! It was a special night to honor her and kids like her as well as raise money to advance research in the field of congenital heart disease.

Right now Melia is a fifth grader and getting ready to start middle school next year. She plays volleyball, the violin and piano, enjoys writing and loves to be imaginative and creative when she plays with her friends. Although her heart requires our attention and care it does not dominate our day-to-day life.
We could not imagine our family without Melia being a part of it. We are grateful that she is ours forever.
Katie & Ryan | Melia’s Mom and Dad
Read our original story about Melia as published on the Holt Stories blog in November 2012.

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