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Hi, I'm Joseph

I'm 14 years old and live in Colombia (Hosting Program).

February 2010

Joseph, 14, needs a forever family.

Meet Joseph, a bright and thoughtful 14-year-old who needs a forever family to support his dreams. Joseph loves spending his free time riding his bike and playing softball, where he enjoys the thrill of teamwork and the outdoors. A natural problem-solver, Joseph’s favorite subject is math, and he’s already thinking ahead about his future. He’s fascinated by how things work and dreams of becoming a systems engineer or mechanic one day, with a budding interest in entrepreneurship as well.

Joseph’s friends describe him as quiet, sweet, and judicious, with a curiosity that drives him to explore new ideas and challenges. He’s open to joining any kind of family, as long as they’re ready to encourage his ambitions and be there for him along the way. Please contact us to learn more about meeting Joseph!

Through Kidsave’s Summer Miracles program, older children from Colombia travel to the U.S. for a memorable five-week stay with a host family over the summer. While the kids are here, they learn about U.S. culture, attend summer camp, and experience life in an American family. Hosts work with Kidsave staff and volunteers to help engage their local communities to get to know the kids and find them an adoptive family. Many of our host families adopt the children they host. (The names of the kids posted in the gallery have been changed to protect their confidentiality.)

To learn more about hosting or meeting our Summer Miracles kids, please contact us at [email protected].

If you'd like to learn more about Colombia adoption, fill out the inquiry form below!

I want to know more about Joseph.

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