Nine-year-old Adelaide needs an adoptive family! She is described as a bubbly and outgoing girl, who loves to spend time with friends.
Happy and confident, Adelaide’s favorite activities are dancing and playing on the swings with her friends and classmates. Her caregivers say that she is friendly and eloquent. She expresses her feelings and thoughts well.
Adelaide enjoys going to school and has good language skills. She is fluent in English! Her teachers say that she volunteers frequently and makes “wonderful” contributions to class. She has a big imagination and is curious about the world around her.
Adelaide has special needs, including a diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAS), of which outcomes can vary. She has a smaller head size and is delayed in growth and development. Adelaide is in overall good health and her social worker noted that she is a well-mannered child and does not currently present any behavioral difficulties.
Adelaide’s adoptive family should have access to excellent educational, medical and therapeutic resources. She would do well in a family as an only child or with siblings. Ideally, her adoptive family should be familiar with FAS, or willing to learn, and understand its lifelong impact.